Do it with style!
From time to time, we need to moves our furnitures in our house. The old setup is suffocating us and we found the new one, impartially, a lot more ergonomic (well, until the next time).
And from time to time, it’s the same for our website. It’s like our cyber-living-room, we need to move things around. Last time we changed the CMS (makefile then grav then makefile again), but this time it was more about style which is, impartialy, lot more readable than the last one (well, until next time).
We also change a little bit the structure to group “our books” because this time, aside from our murder and mysteries, we have a novel! It have been published scene after scene on the internet, “#Freedomnia - L’académie” is now available on paper:
We think it is a better way to support us; instead of donations without compensations, we propose finished books. This first one is a noval and because we know that you are not coming here mainly for sci-fi, we’ve began to write a more technical book : The art of Hacking - Shellcodes.
And since we are writing about paper, aryliin wrote an article about the fix of our printer she did some time ago; pretex to write about learned helplessness believing obsolescence force us to buy new stuffs.
And to make our newsletter more interractive, we propose you vote for the next article. You can submit a new idea and if you don’t have any, here are some theme we have in mind:
- Limits about intelligence
- Asimov’s Laws on robots
- Sharenting
- How to join an Ubuntu to a windows domain
See you next time