Return of the arsouyes
Spoiler: After a few years of absence, the arsouyes are back (again). Always the same, but better (obviously).
It is with a certain joy that we are launching this new version of the (unavoidable) arsouyes website…

Over time, other projects took precedence on the site. One step at a time, we let him “freewheel” until it stopped moving forward. Then the question arose of disconnecting the machines, definitely…
Because during this time, cyberspace evolved without us. Websites have given way to blogs, themselves supplanted by twitter and social networks of all kinds. Smartphones have only accentuated this dynamic.
To survive, the scene has adapted. The teams dissolved and we lost a lot of fellow travelers (noxists, mindkind and many others). Bloggers have found official employment.
To remain visible, politically correct is in order. One can speak of prudence or hypocrisy, it is according to. But in the end, the tone is neutral, we sacrificed personality, originality and creativity for ease.
So, is there still a place for an old-fashioned website? We believe so, and more than ever. This is why we have kept the best of arsouyes, the repository, and enriched it with a blog.
The repository (deleted in 2018) where we group together everything we find interesting in connection with hacking in the [very] broad sense. Of course, we haven’t put everything back in place yet. The rest will come little by little, it will be an opportunity to rediscover the classics and novelties.
The blog where we plan to publish articles on the same topics: computer security, software development but also everything that we find interesting to say because after all, this is our (cyber) home and we write what we want…
As you have noticed, it is not possible to comment on content or submit new content. This is normal. If needed, you may contact us by mail.
All that remains is to welcome you to our site and hope you enjoy your readings.