Bretons send book to France Identité
This year again, wse had the honour to be invited by the UBS [1] to do three days of teaching in their master CyberUS and its fortyish students coming from all over the world.
The prestentations’ PDF are online [2] for those who want to see them [again], but they don’t convey all the interresting conversations we had about incidental subjects. We have to admit that lessons are a lot more interesting and pleasant when the students are presents…
An incident on timing, Le Parisien wanted to talk to Aryliin at the same time she was doing a lecture. So tbowan get the call in her place. In her article [3], Maëlane Loaëc came back on the phishing campaign targeting France Identité wondering how those scammers were able to usurp an official mail address… Spoiler: either the victim’s mail server accept anything, or the scammers have hook some France Identité’s (web)service.
Another incident on timing, the books have been delivered just before we left to Brittany and we were able to send them to our readers. It seems easy written that way but our post office was closed (as usual) and we had to go to the neightbour city. Its post office was close for renovation (until mid-november) so we went to the next one but arrived 5 minutes after its closing and we went on. Hopefully, the fourth office was open, able to take our packages but it was too late and they phisically left the office next day… and eventually arrived at all our generous readers some days after🎉️.
And as we ordered more book to our printer than needed for the command in the shop, there remains some copy to be send faster than the first ones (thanks to our first reader for their patience). If you want to profit, we have extended the special offer (-10%) for a last week…
If the idea of freeing the book’s PDF interrest you, feel free to participate. Including speaking of the book around you because our attempt to find sponsors hit a brick wall (all the companies we’ve contacted didn’t respond favorably, either we fall at targeting the good ones or at explaining the project).