Cyber triangle hurts in hotels

An article in our website. We had merely touched upon this subject in our last article about parental control. One can not save a child victim of internet dangers by using a surveillance and control app.

The idea is lot more general: one can not solve someone else’s problem. Corollary: nobody else can solve your own problems. Some have tried, they’ve got trouble.


One paper in the press. Hollidays period here, lot of travelers will spend time in hotels (or alike). Cécile Moine did a search on the cyber-risks in those situations and did produced a fairy well summary (and I don’t say that because I was interviewed, ok, it may’ve influence my point of view).


As always, after wondering “how can it be” (which is a very interresting question), one must ask “who and why”. Because if there’s nobody or no gain, the risk is reduced a lot.