A Parental control bug in airports

It’s summertime and we thought to work on our project while our children were visiting theirs grantparents when the water supply had a problem… 2cm high of water everywhere in the garage. It’s not as if it already happened near exactly three years ago…

  1. http://www.arsouyes.org/news/2021-07-19/

The stuff freed away, water evacuated, hole fixed, TboWan managed to finish this article in his mind for too long. Must admit the news forced him a little: parental control apps are now mandatory in all new devices in France (since July 13th 2024).

  1. http://www.arsouyes.org/articles/2024/2024-07-19_ParentalControl/

It truly became synch with the news when the Crowdstrike’s Falcon software, which control and monitor of professionnal windows devices (it’s a kind of parental control app, but for employers) had a bug bring the old good BSOD back into fashion (we were missing it)…

  1. https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/4102176-20240719-panne-informatique-mondiale-bug-crowdstrike-grain-sable-suffit-paralyser-tout-systeme

TL;DR: When authority put control and surveillance everywhere, it heads to disasters. And of corse, water is wet.