Téléphones et pornographie
La fin de l’année (scolaire) approche et pour la deuxième fois nous allons intervenir dans l’école primaire de notre village pour sensibiliser les enfants aux dangers du numérique et leur donner quelques clés pour s’en sortir.
Sur le site, pas de nouvel article (on y travaille)
mais plein de traductions (vers l’anglais) sur le thème la téléphonie
sur IP, c’est bien
- Brute force Nortel IP-8815 with Hydra, as the title suggest, explain howto find this phone’s password with Hydra software.
- Call over networks, showing that one can uses an IPBX from anywhere over a VPN and make free calls to Belgium!!!
- Avoid VitalPBX Pop-Up, as the name suggest,… you get the idea.
- Turing Test to Avoid Call Bots with VitalPBX, where we show how to hook the phone for 4 seconds playing a tone. Humans will waits, bots will hang up and let us in peace.
Spoiler: while simplifying our IT and reduce our impact on the planet, we are removing this IPBX and thos articles are no longer applicable in our IT but we found interresting enough to deserve a translation.
In the press. Uselessly demonstrating the
parliamentary digital illiteracy, our happy representatives
elected wrote a law project about which the press ask aryliin.
**In Ouest France[1]:** about the ”projet de loi d’orientation et de programmation du ministère de la justice pour 2023-2027”_ which propose to authorise legal experts to boot up any electronic equipment, remotely (e.g. smarphones and teeth brushes) and installing any tracker (e.g. to spy on you and check if you’ve eaten you 5 fruits and vegetable today). We did not dream of but they manage to write it.
For Midi Libre[2]: After the Arcom’s report about pornographic content consumption. If you remember about Hadopi’s reports (those with un labeled log scales graphics) and that Hadopi is part of Arcom, you get the idea of the problem (hint: the problem is not pornography).
So, after primary school and Higher school education, we think we should to some parliamentary education 😉